The husband-wife relationship is considered to be the strongest, but there are many things that women may not express, but they expect their husbands to understand and support them."The relationship between husband and wife is such that they understand each other's feelings without saying it." This sounds more real and less imaginary. This is because husbands themselves are seen complaining that their wives expect them to understand what they say without them, which makes them frustrated. If you are also such a husband, then we can help you a little bit in knowing what such things or situations are, which every wife hopes that her husband understands them without saying.

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I am not your mother
Believe me, most married women often say this in their minds. There are two important reasons for this. The first is that the husband repeatedly compares the wife to her mother over things. Second, he becomes dependent on his wife after marriage in the same way as he did on his mother; Such as preparing clothes for the office, giving food, cooking, fetching, etc. He forgets that no one can ever take the place of the mother, nor does the wife try to take the place of the mother, so the comparison does not make them feel good. At the same time, marriage is a life-long partnership, in which both have to cooperate equally in everything. If this balance is maintained, it is good for both emotional and mental health.
After marriage, husband and wife work as each other's support system. If any of these keep their contribution low, then there is bound to be trouble for the other. The wife expects her husband to support her on emotional and other front lines. For example, many women are taunted for things such as not advancing the family, focusing on careers even after marriage, and not being more active between relatives. In this situation, the woman ignores them to maintain peace, but it affects them mentally badly. If the husband comes to support the wife in the middle of this situation, then not only will the relatives stop speaking, but they will also avoid saying such things in the future. Also, the wife will be helped in maintaining her self-esteem.

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Spend time together
Bitterness occurs in most relationships after marriage when couples cut time for each other. When the time does not spend time together, how can Bond remain strong? It is often seen that husbands hang out with friends or go on a trip to forget their office tension, take a break from the world of family. Many times he still encounters mobiles at home, which he calls his relaxing time. But what about the wife? He has to see the house as well as the office, so his me-time is over. Even if the wife is a housewife, she still has many house-related tasks, including the entire day. In this situation, if the husband does not give them time, then he feels as if he is an employee at home, just like in the office, who is simply being responsible for his share.
Showing Importance and Showing Love
There are many wives who feel that their husbands take them for granted. It is a fact that after marriage, couples start thinking about the commitments of their lives and feel more relaxed about each other. However, this does not mean that the wife should stop doing imports or love shows. What she is doing is for you and the house, so do not ignore it by naming it as 'their responsibility'. She loves you so expect care and love in return. If she does not realize this, then she will not be happy in married life.
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Spend Time Together
A couple is so caught up in the midst of all this, that he forgets to take time for himself. Especially, the husband does not pay attention to such things as spending quality time with the wife in terms of responsibilities. The wife also understands all the responsibilities, but even being a couple, she feels that she should spend some time alone with her husband. If not, the wife feels lonely, which also negatively affects the emotional bond.