Love is a feeling that everyone wants to experience. This feeling is such that it is only full of positivity. However, there is also another face of love that can harm you slowly even if you don't want to. Those scenes of the film 'Main Hoon Na' will be remembered in which Shahrukh Khan when he sees Sushmita Sen starts playing the violin around him. That is, they go to another world, where there is only love and romance. Couples feel the same when love begins in real life. The day started with Good Morning in the morning, followed by a continuous chat and ended the night by talking late. But the relationship is not just happy feelings but can also harm you. So let's know about the advantages and disadvantages of having a boyfriend/girlfriend in life:

Benefit number 1: friend and lover's package
A boyfriend or girlfriend is so close to the heart and they talk so much throughout the day that they become not only the love of your life but also close friends. What upsets you, what gives you happiness, what does not like, what little things like couple start sharing each other every day, due to which there is a feeling that in every moment of life Stands with you.
Loss number 1: Real friends become less
The friendship-related feature of the relationship also serves to remove genuine friends. Since you spend more time talking to your lover or going on a date, this reduces the chance of going to a friend circle or talking to them. Initially, all the friends adjust, but later they start to get away and the person who is in love cannot even realize that their close friends are now away from him.
Benefit number 2: learn to care
It is common to take care of a loved one while in love. Online shopping, like clothes for them too, order some food for them too, if the mood is bad then do something to make it good, take care of your health is bad, etc. The way love teaches you to care for someone is rarely something else.
Loss number 2: forgetting to take care of yourself
Couples are so busy caring for each other that they forget to take care of themselves. Talking more, you will not get proper sleep time which gives rise to things like headache, dark circles, mood worsening. Shopping for them along with yourself can spoil the budget, which you will have to suffer at the end of the month. The stress that causes this also causes skin trouble. There are so many things that, while caring for the loved one, they forget to do it for themselves and then they themselves have to suffer.
Benefit number 3: getting emotional support
A boyfriend or girlfriend gets a means of getting emotional support. Its value is felt especially when you are sad, angry or stressed. At such a time, talking to your loved one makes your heart light, at the same time, you also get opinions about things and guidance in many cases, which helps in dealing with emotionally disturbing things.
Loss number 3: Emotionally weakening
Emotional dependence on one makes you weak. You forget to face the emotional stress you get from challenges, to solve them. In such a situation, if you do not talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend then it makes you even more negative because you feel like he is not with you during your difficult times. It can also cause double emotional stress depression, which breaks.
Advantage number 4: finding a partner to depend on
Being in a relationship not only emotional but also supports many types. For example, to book tickets, if you do not want to cook, then tell your girlfriends or boyfriends, you have to bring something from anywhere, but even if you do not want to go there, tell them etc. These things make life extremely easy and give you time to focus more on your work as well.
Loss number 4: Forget being a self-dependent
No mood to cook today ... no one will bring girlfriends. Dude, I want to bring that package from so far... I speak to my boyfriend. These kinds of things show your dependence on each other. But imagine what will happen if a breakup occurs? These small things will also become difficult for you. Therefore, it is better to always maintain the habit of doing things related to yourself which will help you to remain strong even in the absence of your loved one.
Advantage Number 5: Finding an instant partner
Couples are always connected via phone, whether it is a message or a call. In between this, there is also a meeting, in such a way, meeting them every day fills life with love and care. It fills a pleasant feeling of positivity, which also has an effect on nature.
Loss number 5: Invitation to loneliness
Suppose your boyfriend/girlfriend gets transferred, has to go out to study, go on a tour, or has a breakup… what will happen then? Every moment that was filled with them would be completely empty. Because of the relationship that you did not pay attention to others, you will find that you have become alone. Because of this, you will also find it difficult to be happy. These negative feelings affect the person badly and from his work to nature, its negative effect is clearly visible, which further increases the distance from people. It makes the person alone.