Do You Want Your Relationship With Her to be Great Again?
Jun 26, 2020

For the time being, pay attention to yourself too:
Do not let your broken relationship go home in your heart or focus all your attention on getting it back. In place of this, give yourself a little time too. Put in some of your favorite activities, talk with your friends, and start associating with family members from whom you have been away.
- You too will start to realize in some time, that you are not really missing it, and these initial thoughts of getting it are really just the result of your feelings.
- Never be afraid to be real with yourself. Another reason for reconnecting any relationship is that you do not want to be alone and are afraid of how you will not be able to be alone. This will prove to be dangerous for both of you and also for this relationship.
- If she is dating someone else, try not to come in between them. So wait till she starts looking for someone from the back.
- If you really care about him and his happiness, put your jealousy, resentment, or bitterness aside before trying to get it.
- But keep in mind - otherwise, it will stand up against you instead of helping you.
- If you are able to get help from his friends, then it may not be of any use to you.
- Do not say anything like, "I really want to see you and me back together" or "I think we should talk."
- As far as possible, make it clear that you want to be with him just like a friend, not to add to the relationship again or to take some chronic pain with him.
- Determine to meet in a quiet and no-pressure place. Ask him to come for lunch or for coffee. To meet him, choose a place that you love, such as a cafe, where the two of you often used to come together or a restaurant where the two of you first dated each other. did. This will prove to be a good step for you, but it will definitely inculcate some emotion in his mind and maybe he should be careful from the beginning.