Get that Missing Spark in your Relationship Back Again. Here are some Tips that will help.
Mar 13, 2021

It is commanly seen that after a while the spark in the relationship fizzles out. It is most often because of lack of effort from the partners. The important thing for them to remember is that you can not take your relationship nor your partner for granted. Every relationship requires relentless effort and unconditional love and respect amongst partners to make it work. When all of this comes effortlessly, we say the relationship has clicked. Now let us look at the basics which would make sure the spark in your relationship is maintained.
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Focus on moving forward:
Both of you want to grow together or alone, it applies to both situations, that you have to move forward.
If you are able to get her back, do not let the shadow of your past fall on this relationship or waste time in blaming each other. In place of this, a discussion about what you both expect from this relationship and how to help each other when needed. Instead of thinking of what you did and did not do earlier, it would be better for you to consider how to proceed now. For example, if you wish, you can also explain, "I felt that whenever I went out with my friends, you used to get upset, and I think that was one of the reasons. That I never told you about my plans before. Is this true? " If this is so, then do not make any such mistake in the future, give him some advice, as if to tell him that now I will tell you at least 5 hours before going anywhere.
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Don't Repeat Past Mistakes
If she does not want to be reunited with you, then do not get mad behind this failure or whatever mistakes she has told you. Just learn everything you can learn from what was right and not in this relationship and then move forward in your life. Also Read: 3 Quick Tips to help you Invest into Your Relationships to Make It Stronger!! Go ahead with a plan. If both of you have agreed to give this relationship another chance, just make a plan to move forward that can help you grow.- Think well about the expectations and desires of both of you regarding this relationship. Ask some questions, "What were your expectations before this relationship, which were not fulfilled?" And "And what should I still do to complete them?" In the same way, you should also tell him what your expectations are - without blaming - and look for ways to fulfill these expectations.

- Determine some attainable expectations and try both to achieve them.
- Whatever happens - solve it by talking. Periodically ask about each other's needs and expectations. It is very important to take care of all these things to carry forward any relationship.