4 Home Remedies for Liver Care
May 08, 2020

Corona's havoc is hitting every human head. In the corona era, hospitals do not treat patients ranging from the pregnant lady to common ailments until the patients have a corona test report. The havoc of the corona can also damage many of your vital organs. A study has revealed that corona can also cause liver damage. To avoid the havoc of the corona, we must take care of the liver.
Bitter gourd is a gift - even though bitter gourd is bitter in the test, it is very beneficial in terms of the liver. Drinking 1 glass of bitter gourd juice daily makes the liver healthy. It also eliminates fatty liver problems.
Apple Vinegar- Apple Vinegar i.e Apple Cider Vinegar helps in removing harmful substances from the body. Mixing one teaspoon of apple vinegar and honey in the water at least 2 times in 1 day gives strength to the liver. Drinking apple vinegar mixed with water before eating food reduces the same excess fat.
Liver care :
Covid-19 can also cause liver damage. If you do not want to face this problem, then include these special tips in your diet. The liver is a very important part of our body. It does more than 500 works for our body, including digesting food, taking out toxic substances from the body, giving energy to the body, providing the ability to fight diseases, etc. If you want your liver to work properly during this period of corona and you remain healthy, then we tell you about some home remedies, which can keep your liver healthy. To remove weakness of liver spinach and carrot, drink spinach and carrot juice mixed together. Many liver diseases are quickly cured by this remedy. Turmeric is rich in anti septic properties, which affects the liver like a panacea. Drinking turmeric milk before going to bed at night ends liver weakness and provides strength. Amla is nectar - The best source of Vitamin C, it is Amla. It is not only beneficial for the eyes, hair, and skin but is also very good for the liver. It has also been proved in many types of research that Amla contains all the elements that protect the liver. Green tea will do magic - if you want to keep your liver healthy then start consuming green tea instead of milk tea. Green tea contains plenty of antioxidants, which eliminate all toxic substances. One cup of green tea should be taken daily in the morning.