9 stages after breakup! which everybody relates to.
Jul 06, 2020

1- Looks like now only death is left
These symptoms are seen right after the breakup. When both people talk for the last time. When both have said everything that they want to say. This is the feeling after that. And if this breakup happened on the phone, then the whole story just ended. Breaking up on the phone is the most useless way.
2- To keep coming back
It is common practice for your boyfriend or girlfriend to come back after a breakup. When you know that a fight has taken place, then this tendency increases. It will first start with Sorry messages. Then it will turn into calls and then just cry.
3- Re-adopt your bad habits
Whether it is chocolate, ice cream, cigarette or liquorice. Because if you are already broken then all of these will become your best friend at this time. Where is a drunk person, what is he doing, how long is it happening or does he forget himself too.
I am not saying that people who are broken in love should take the support of liquor or cigarette. But if they do so then there is no harm in it. Yes, I would definitely say that under any circumstances, take care of yourself. All these things also cause harm. And delivers in a very bad way. I have faced it myself.
4- Nights will not sleep
If it was not enough to lose the love, then sleep will also fly for the icing on the cake. Along with your power of thinking and understanding, you will also lose sleep. If you are my position then you must understand very well what I am saying. At such a time, remembering the old golden days also does not give any cure.
5- Not being able to behave normal after hitting your X somewhere
I suddenly suffered from my own X after the breakup. That too on Valentine's Day. When all the people were in love, I was trying to be able to see my broken love in front. Worse is that even after all this I could not stop myself from going to him and talking to him!
The entire evening was ruined by both of us. It was a new way of pain that both of us were experiencing. I was not able to behave normally
6- Trying to get back in touch with him again
After this incident, I started trying to contact him again. Going to the metro station near his house, circling the market near his house became my routine. In other words, I started following her.
7- Doing anything with a broken heart becomes your favorite job
Be it watching movies, listening to songs or keeping track of the breakup of others, I had become like a diligent lover. Maybe I was doing all this so that I could get it back or I could suppress my desires. But I was mad.
8- Hanging between 'Everything is over and now I must move on' and 'No one else can come in my life other than that'
Fighting with yourself daily, convincing yourself that life does not end with the end of this one relationship. Every moment you have to convince yourself that weeping by taking his name will not yield anything. And then again and again only for him to be upset. Twitch to get it back In short words, a pendulum will form between moving away from it and staying near it. There will be a situation of snake mongoose, neither swallow nor spewing
9- Trying to preserve your friendship
He was my closest friend. Or say I was my best friend. Whether it was my mother's birthday, my problem or my black truth, there was nothing that she did not know. In a way, it was my reflection. My image So with this break, not only did I lose my soulmate but also my best friend.