How to Break Over After a Breakup? Read Along
Jul 10, 2020

People usually think of moving on after a breakup. That is, try to forget the moments spent with your X and start a new life. But we believe that 'breakover' is necessary to start a new inning after the breakup. The closer we are, the more it affects our personality and thinking. So to forget our X, we need to make some (good) changes in ourselves, do our makeovers - both from outside and from inside too.
Stop calling, messaging your X after the breakup. Unfriend / block them from all your social media accounts. Do not think that you can be friends even after the breakup. This is not possible. If you think so, then this will only increase your problem.
2. Give yourself the 'gift' of health
It is not easy to recover from the pain of deep relationship breakdown. It often happens that due to stress, people give up drinking or start eating excessively fatty food. They lock themselves in the room, do not get out, do not even talk to people. All these have a bad effect on their health. So eat nutritious food and return to your fitness routine. Remember, 'the first happiness is the physical body'. So unless you are healthy, there is no question of a makeover.
3. Currently, you need new wardrobe, not of filings.
After the breakup, there is a tsunami of emotions inside you. But the best way to calm him is by shopping. This formula also applies to boys. People first change their look after a breakup. New clothes, new haircut, new style will help your breakover. This whole process
will prove to be stress- free and helpful in distracting 'them'.
4. Get out of your comfort zone
After the breakup, do something that you have never done before, or are afraid to do. Try an adventure sport, go to bars alone, do the most 'dangerous' exercise in the gym, talk to a stranger. Saying this means that you increase your scope. This will boost your confidence.
5. Get out on a fun trip
Where have you always wanted to go? Go there now. If your 'X' kept you from going there, then definitely go. It is not possible to go with friends, then go alone. Take care of your safety. If you are thinking of solo trip, then take advice from family and friends too.
They say, whatever happens is for good. Admittedly, you are deeply saddened by your breakup. But the good aspect of it is that it will give you a lot of time to think about your own decisions, shortcomings, difficulties and merits.