This Way You Can Impress The Guy You Like
Jul 12, 2020

You Need to Let Go Sometimes:
- Do not show too much attachment towards him. Show your attraction towards the boy you are dating, but do not take it towards love or other signs of attachment. You also want to make her feel jealous, not to distance herself from you.
- By dating other boys you will get a chance to meet more new boys. Maybe one of these boys is better for you than this guy you are trying to get - and know what can be good in it? Maybe he is alone and wants you already.

- Unless he has a breakup with his girlfriend, do not add any kind of relationship with him. If he keeps telling you that he will do it soon, but he has not done it till date and will not be able to do it, then be careful that he is playing with you.
Some basic Advice
- Speak good things Do not become negative.
- Do not behave differently with your girlfriend. Otherwise she will think that she is not exactly what you show and you have two faces.
- Never tell his girlfriend that he likes you, because maybe some of his friends or someone else has told you all just to make a mess.
- Try not to have a breakup with his girlfriend, who he dates, it doesn't matter, it matters, then who he is with in the end.
- Do not let yourself be completely bent on him.
- Do not interfere in his personal life and in his feelings, otherwise he will go away from you on his own, upset by you.