2H Fit

7 ways to make it clear that she is cheating on you

Jul 17, 2020


7 ways to make it clear that she is cheating on you
Some time ago a research conducted in Indiana University found that women are not far behind men in cheating. Of all the people on whom this study was done, 23 percent of men accepted the idea of ​​cheating their partners. At the same time, 19 percent of the women admitted that they had cheated their partner. These women admitted that they are sad to betray their partners, but they cannot stop themselves from doing so for the emotional strength of someone. However, if you doubt that your partner is seeking support in someone else these days, then consider these 7 things of his behavior. From this you will immediately know that your relationship is ringing a bell of danger.

She takes the phone to the washroom,

Suddenly she has a lot of love for her phone and takes it with her to the washroom. Her phone passwords change frequently and when asked, she never gives you a clear reason for this. Not only this, she also uses the phone to save your eyes. If this is the case then keep an eye on it and if you want to save the relationship then fix your behavior.

She puts on more makeup these days

when you last asked her to dress up well to go to the movie, then her answer was that after all this close, what is the need of all this for you. But these days she is spending more time grooming herself, shopping new and spending more in cosmetics too, so you should also focus on grooming yourself a little. Otherwise a handsome contestant will stand in front of you soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTF83FRhma0

Her new friend is 'very special'

Nowadays she talks more about her new friend. She tells you how much fun and freedom she lives and how happy she is. If you think that there is good friendship between them then stop. The truth of it is that she is jealous of her independent life and this feeling has either taken her out of the realm of your control or it is going to happen soon. You can guess this with the help of his friend's praise in his words.

She needs some space

We all need some time for ourselves. If the reason for staying away from you for some time explains the problems of home, stress of office, etc. then its problem is fine. But during this time, she is not constantly picking up your phone calls, is not even answering messages and even e-mails, so know that she has decided to leave you instead of avoiding you.

On this occasion, the plan changes,

Both of you made a dinner plan or promised to meet in the coffee shop and you leave on time. But suddenly he refused to come at the last moment. It can happen once or twice but more than that and give excuses such that if you have to get up early for yoga in the morning, or go to work, then know that now he is more interested in you than you.

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