Major asanas of yoga and their benefits
May 08, 2020

According to the tradition of Yoga Shastras, there are eighty-four million asanas and currently thirty-two asanas are famous. They are practiced physically, mentally and spiritually for health and healing.
1. Swastikasan
Method: - By bending the left leg from the knee, install it between the right thigh and the calf and in such a way that the bottom of the left foot is hidden, after that, by installing the right foot and the bottom of the left leg between the thigh and calf, swastika becomes. Sit in meditation posture and stop breathing as you draw the breath by straightening the spine. Do the same procedure by changing the legs.
Foot pain, sweating is away.
Warm or coldness of the feet goes away .. A good posture for meditation.
2. Gomukhasana
Method: - Sit with both legs spread out in front. Keep the heel near the right buttock by bending the left leg.
Hold hands .. Neck and waist remain straight.
After doing it for about one minute from one side, do it from the other side in the same way.
The one whose foot is placed upwards, keep the same hand (right / left) hand up.
It is particularly beneficial in testicle growth and bowel growth.
Metal is beneficial in polyuria and female diseases.
Strengthens the liver, kidneys and thoracic site. Rheumatism removes the Gathiya.
3. Gorakshasan
The two legs of AD and the claws are mixed together and keep in front.
Now sit the suture pulse (between the anus and the urinary tract) on the eddy. Both knees are resting on the ground.
Keep the hands on the knees in the position of Gyan Mudra.
Blood circulation in muscles is healthy and they are healthy.
This asana is helpful in applying moolabandha naturally and maintaining brahmacharya.
Provides peace of mind by ending the versatility of the senses. That is why its name is Gorakshasana.