Diet plan for summer, What to eat and What not to eat
May 08, 2020

Diet plan in summer:
Every person has to take special care of their food during the summer season. Because many troubles surround you as soon as summer starts. Some things are eaten in summer increase the heat inside the body, which causes constipation, indigestion, abdominal pain, and sleep disturbances. Therefore, in summer, you should take such things that cool the body from inside. Today, we will tell you what to eat and what to avoid during the summer . This will keep your health good and you will avoid many diseases.
Eating more spicy food in the summer produces body heat, which can lead to many diseases. So do not consume spices like chilli, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and cumin during the summer season.Red meat
Many people like to eat red meat during the summer season but it can be harmful to your health. Its intake increases body heat.Oily and Junk Food
Whether it is winter or summer, the consumption of junk food is harmful for the body. But its consumption in summer causes problems like constipation and stomach upset.Dry Fruits
Although the consumption of dry fruits is beneficial for health, but in summer it should be eaten as per need. Dry fruits have a warmer effect. Therefore, its intake in summer produces heat in the body.Tea and coffee
People fond of drinking tea or coffee do not avoid it in any season, but if you want to stay healthy, then distance them from today.Eat these things in summer (Diet Plan in Summer)