4 Basic Tips to Help you Have a Low Budget Wedding
May 12, 2021

Weddings in general drain out the pockets of both the partners. Many find it appaling how all the savings are splurged on one day's celebrations however beautiful it is. It just adds to the financial burden on most of the couples post marriage and/or even the families in certain cases. Here we give you some tips on reducing teh costs of weddings without letting it affect the beauty of the day. Check it out.
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Cheap Invitation Card with Personal Touch
Narendra wanted to give personal touch to the Invitation Card of his wedding. So he enlisted the help of an online tool called Pen Sketch. Narendra created a caricature of himself and the guest whom he wanted to invite. With this he also wrote his feelings. Also informed about all the functions related to marriage. After this Narendra got this invitation published on handmade paper, in which he had to spend only ten rupees. Thirty-year-old Priyanka Desai also invited guests at her wedding with an online card. She says, putting money on wedding cards is a waste of money and foolishness. In such a situation, he asked a friend to get the card designed and printed and sent it to the guests. For this, they had to spend only seven rupees per card.
Hire freelance wedding manager
26-year-old wedding manager Deepika Jain divides weddings into several categories, including decorations, catering, location and extras. He has recently settled an engagement for just thirty thousand rupees. According to him, the extra cost of weddings can be avoided by arranging free space. According to him, even by hiring a freelance wedding manager and ignoring the event management company, big expenses can be avoided because companies charge you everything from their office rent and electricity bills to staff salaries and hence their Cost is high.
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Decorations are economical
According to Deepika, the decoration of white flowers is currently in vogue. Says Deepika, "Fresh white flowers are the best for decorating weddings but within two hours these flowers start to look old. Due to white, dirty is also quick, so you should decorate your wedding with fake flowers only. If you have to spend thirty thousand rupees on decoration, then by bringing fake flowers, you can save eight thousand rupees. You can save a lot of expenses by sewing the clothes and curtains that are placed on the chair and table on the wedding itself.
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Don't buy Wedding Clothing, Get them Stitched.
After looking at the cutouts of many magazines, taking the advice of friends and relatives, choosing clothes for your wedding day becomes even more difficult because with perfect outfits you have to get the combination of the right colors. In such a situation, you should settle all your shopping in the cell that is held during October to March. With this, your work will be done very cheap i.e. in half money. Sanjana Grewal, who is newly married, tells that she (her husband) went to many shops and tried Sherwani everywhere. When he liked a sherwani worth 45 thousand rupees, remembering his design, he bought a cloth and got the same sherwani sewn from the tailor. It cost him only 20 thousand rupees and thus saved 25000 rupees. To reduce this expense, brides can wear their mother and grandmother's old saris which they have worn so far less often, the fabric of these saris will also be good, Your look will also be very traditional and you will be able to get married without spending anything. Since wedding dresses are not worn frequently, you can also get married by bringing clothes on rent. This will save you a lot of expenses on marriage.