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How Spending More Money on Your Wedding can Ruin it?

Aug 08, 2020


How Spending More Money on Your Wedding can Ruin it?
You will often hear people talking about wastage of money at weddings. But do you know that money can ruin your marriage as well. Weddings in India are no less than a festival. All the guests gather here and enjoy the wedding festivities. However, expenditure on these marriages is often in the spotlight. Sometimes spending goes to the extent of 'waste'. But money can also ruin a marriage many times. It has often been seen that even after many marriages in marriage, people are worried that there will be no shortage. There has been a lot of discussion on this subject. Although the new generation is becoming aware of this topic, but people consider marriage as a way to show their pride and love and there is no change in this thinking. But money is not only wasted at weddings, it can ruin your marriage too. Learn how in this article.
In a changing society, marriages are no longer with birth after birth. People's priorities are changing. Now, if mutual bonding in the relationship is reduced, people choose to separate their paths instead of compromising more. This trend is seen more in cities. Apart from this, there are also cases when the Kanya Paksha has faced harassment or social humiliation due to lack of marriage arrangements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HPCexxRQr0 We can also understand this thing in this way. Two pairs buy the same type of car. The first couple takes good care of their car and drives it with great precaution. So their car does not deteriorate. At the same time, the other couple does not spend their time nor strength in taking care of the car, not only that, they run it very carelessly. His car stops and remains of no use. Whose fault is it here. Car or owner? It is obvious that the owner is the biggest responsible for the malfunction of the car. The same thing applies to marriage. This is also true in the case of marriage. Although the biggest reason for many marriages today is 'money'. Yes, especially in India, there is an increased transaction of money at weddings. Which we call dowry. While both taking and giving dowry is wrong, and also a crime of law, but even today, dowry is taken and given indiscriminately in our country. Many times marriages happen in a very pleasant way and are successful even though there is no fault in the arrangements for the marriages. But in reality, marriage is like a car, which needs constant care to be safe. The following are some of the money-related reasons that may pose a threat to your marriage.

Not to talk about finance

Every job has a time and place, but money is something that it is difficult to find the right place and time to do about it. Many couples do not talk to each other about money (earnings, expenses, savings, investments etc.). But this is wrong, both of you should share information about your money with each other. This is as important as going on a date with each other. By not talking about finances, you lose trust in each other, not only this, such an attitude between finances can lead to ruin of your marriage.

Love cannot be purchased

If you think that by buying a diamond ring for your wife you can win it, then revisit your thoughts. Because such gifts can give your relationship a few moments, a few days or a few months of happiness, but not a lifetime. It is not wrong to give such gifts etc. But, the idea that you can win over your partner with the help of money is wrong. In addition to money, you must give love, time and trust to your partner.

Not agreeing on how to divide the money

Regardless of whether you have joint or separate accounts or both types of accounts, it doesn't matter much. The difference depends on whether you have a proper financial plan for your marriage. This is due to differences in the way a spouse spends. Many times there is a dispute between husband and wife over the expenses, which also lead to serious consequences. So if a separate account is kept then it is better for the relationship.

Unable to enjoy your money together

Money does not always have to be a source of stress or conflict. This can make your relationship stronger and happier. Provided this money is used in a positive way with its relation. There are many memorable moments in a husband-wife relationship that can never be complete without money. But the important thing is whether it is being enjoyed together and in the right way. Studies also show that if money is used together and in new and effective ways, then weddings are stronger. The person who only thinks about what he is getting from his relationship and whatnot, he can never be happy, no matter how many times he gets married. When the two focus on meeting each other's needs, then the marriage will be successful. Whether you have made a proper financial plan for your marriage or not. This is due to differences in the way a spouse spends. Many times there is a dispute between husband and wife over the expenses, which also lead to serious consequences. So if a separate account is kept then it is better for the relationship.

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