How do you know if someone really loves you?
Aug 10, 2020

1. They have fun with you even if the task at hand is not fun
As the saying goes, it's not what you do, but who you're with is popular for a reason - because it's true. Focus on the person who is always there for you, even when the task at hand is not externally a fun one, such as helping you move. One sign that you may be in love with them, including their ability to have fun with you even during worldly tasks, is Dr. Said Floors. If they are happy to see you, then no matter what the two of you do, it can be love.

Kelly Rosenberg, the elite matchmaker and founder of The Lodge Social Club, agrees a dating application with a three-step vetting process launched earlier this month. That person will often go the 'extra mile' to help you with something - a project, a need, an errand, etc., he told Business Insider. Bottom line, they want to be close to you, thought through you, and help you.
2. Intense Attraction
Undergoing any type of adversity with another person intensifies romantic attraction. Central dopamine may also be responsible for this response, as research suggests that when a reward is delayed, dopamine-producing neurons in the middle brain region become more productive. time you are with the person in question, notice how often they see you. Harvard psychologist Zick Rubin found a connection between eye contact and love. In their study, couples who fall in love watch each other 75% of the time while talking, while those engaged in conversation only see each other about 30–60% of the time.
"When someone is in love with you, they will keep staring your eyes more straight and longer; they want to be fully present with you," Dr. Said Floors. "This is why interacting in person versus love through a digital connection is so important - we need to connect emotionally through eye contact."
Next time you are with the person in question, notice how often they see you. Harvard psychologist Zick Rubin found a connection between eye contact and love. In their study, couples who fall in love watch each other 75% of the time while talking, while those engaged in conversation only see each other about 30–60% of the time.
When someone falls in love with you, they will keep staring your eyes more straight and longer; They want to be fully present with you, dr. Said Floors. This is why interacting in person vs. love through digital connections is so important - we need to connect emotionally through eye contact.