Save relationships and increase love, adopt these 7 tips
Aug 26, 2020

We all form relationships thinking that we will always get happiness from that relationship and we will always be very happy with our partner. We never want any tension in relationships. But still, relationships fade over time. If you want to keep your relationship beautiful always, then follow these simple steps, which will increase the sweetness in your relationship.
1. Do not place the bed near the window.
2. Never place the bed adjacent to the window. Doing so causes tension in the relationship.
3. If this is still not possible, then put a curtain between your head and the window. Negative energy will not affect relationships.
4. A lamp of ghee should be lit daily in the house.
5. While lighting the lamp, make sure that the flame is in the east or south direction.
6. If you are unable to keep the attention of direction, then placing a wick in the center of the lamp is going to give auspicious results.
7. Light five face lamps in the bedroom every Friday