2H Fit

How to make your lover happy -3 best solutions

Aug 27, 2020


How to make your lover happy -3 best solutions
We feel that in every situation the front should also behave and react like us. But when they start doing something different, this thing makes us angry. I want the girl to think, talk, and react like them. The girl wants the boy to feel and react like them, which is not possible most of the time. Because the separation of man and woman is natural and because of forgetting this simple thing, all the problems are being created. Now the good thing is that we can eliminate these problems, just by understanding and respecting those differences. So today I will tell you the 5 major differences between boy and girl, which we need to understand very much, because this will not only increase the happiness of us and our family, but because of this our hopes of success will also increase greatly. Because most of the inspiration and support of our life comes from our family and love.

1. Results and Realization

Men are result oriented while women are feeling oriented. When women start sharing their issues and problems, then the man immediately starts giving them good suggestions like an intelligent person. But now even after giving his suggestion, women start repeating the same things or remain unhappy, then the man feels bad about it. We start feeling like a useless person, who is unable to create the right result. Without realizing that women do not need a solution but only such a person who listens well to them and understands their feelings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBIhXfIDgp0&t=41s

2. How to deal with problems

The way a boy and girl deal with stress, depression, or problems is also completely different. Because it happens that when man and woman start fighting, they both feel bad, then the man because his nature has to calm down and deal with the problem, stress, that's why he starts to calm down. But women on the other hand do not let them calm down because their way of dealing with stress is by talking, expressing emotion. Both of them start turning each other upside down. Because of which the woman feels that the man does not care about her, even after speaking so much, is silent, ignoring her and maybe her feeling is decreasing or maybe he does not love her. On the other hand, the man feels that how much he hears the woman's words, how much he speaks and does not even realize, he always complains. And this thinking of both makes things worse.

3. The way to feel love

A man can do anything for his family. Can work all day, all night. Inspired can be made from poor to Aamir. But only when he realizes that the family needs him. The more those special people will need to win, the more that man will feel their love and he will dare to do so many big things. Because meeting the needs of his family will make him feel strong and good. On the other hand, to make women feel loved, it is important that the man takes care of them, always cares about them. But the problem of modern times has become that nowadays every woman wants to become independent which is a good thing but it is also causing a problem. The more love a man feels the more his wife needs him, in return for which he cares more and cares more.

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