Are You Hesitant to Propose Her? Follow This
Sep 02, 2020

Surprise her:
Surprise, there are great ways to show a girl that you keep thinking about her and you are ready to do anything to bring a smile on her face. You do not need to plan or buy a puppy, etc. for a big party (although these ideas are of great use in certain circumstances!) Surprise can also be simple, such as the day it is unhappy. Then you reach her home by taking a box of ice cream and DVD of her choice or when she has no hope at all, then leave a small note under her purse or pillow.
- Some girls do not like to be surprise, so if you are not very sure about the plan you plan to make, then secretly find out her feelings or give her a subtle hint before you do anything crazy.
- This step will be successful only if your surprise will be good - by taking a tattoo of his face on your arm and doing it in front of him or informing him that you are going to another place forever is not a very good thing. This type of surprise is not generally preferred.
- If you are hesitant to say the same word, "I love you", then try to say something like, "I think I like to spend time with you" or something romantic like , "You have stolen my heart". He will understand it.
- If you are saying this for the first time, do not be disappointed if he does not repeat the same thing immediately. It is possible that it will take some time to understand the information. Remember that "I love you" is not a question that needs to be answered.
- On the other hand, she may have reached the seventh sky after hearing that you finally got the courage to say the words she had been waiting to hear, and the opportunity to say these words to you by hand Do not let it go. But you will not know until you do!