Look fresh and handsome! 8 things to notice!
Sep 15, 2020

Women are not only concerned about looks and personality, but men also work hard for their grooming. They care about everything from skin care to hairstyling and outfits to trendy accessories. By following these 8 tricks given below, you will not only look smart but will also stay according to the trend.
Note this
Some people have accessory swatting, due to which the body smells. Do not apply too much perfume in this situation. Rub a few drops of alcohol to clean the underdoms, which will reduce the smell to some extent.
Keep feet clean
If you smell when taking off shoes, then spraying telkom powder or baking soda in your shoes will reduce the smell and the feet will also look clean. If you do not want to use baking soda, then dry the orange peel and put it in the shoes and remove it while wearing it.Avoid Q-tips
Often men clean the ears by applying mustard oil in a cotton swap or by swap, but this method is wrong. This causes ear pain and grease causes dirt to build up in the ears. If you are using it, stop immediately. Instead, put a few drops of olive oil in the ears, which will be able to clean the ears the next day. Use Bud at least.