How to be a kisser that other crave? 9 Lifetime tips

How to kiss
Which is done to make the front person feel a love filled feeling. So you have to pay a lot of attention to how you are doing the front man. Is there any way that can knock your love in front of heart. There is a special technique for this too, let's know about the right way to do what.
Keep your lips soft
Before kissing, make sure that your lips are soft or not. If your lips are not soft then follow some remedies to make it soft, because only soft lips will be able to reach your heart.
Kiss slowly
You should not show rashness while kissing. While kissing from the front, kiss them lightly while touching their lips on their body. Also, be careful not to make too much noise while kissing. This interrupts the intimate moments of both of you. Do not make the mistake of sucking or licking the partner's lips too much.
Control your saliva
When you are about to do this, make sure that there is not much saliva in your mouth. This can make the partner feel bad. Even if this happens during kissing, then rinse the saliva out of the kiss for a while and then kiss it.
Lock lip
While doing this kind of kiss, both of you are locked in the lips of your companions. In this, you stabilize the partner's lower lip with your lower lip and move your upper lip slightly inside their mouth and lock them, but do not show passion in it.
Don't forget to breathe
Many people get so lost while kissing that they even forget to breathe. If you want to do better and longer, then keep breathing through your nose and if you are not able to do this, then you stop a little in between and kiss the partner again only after taking a deep breath.
Use of hands
It is also very important to use hands while kissing. If both partners want to feel the thrill of someone, then they have to use their hands while kissing. If you are kissing by standing, then you will have to bring one hand on the female partner's cheek and the other on the back of her waist. At the same time, the female partner will have to put one hand on the male partner's shoulder and the other hand on the back of their head and come near their face.
Use the tongue also
As soon as you bring your lips closer to the partner's lips before kissing, then apply your tongue lightly on their lips. If they like this, then what can you do tightly on their lips?
By all means kiss
If you want to give a great feeling to the front partner, then you do not have to be focused on only one kind. In the initial stage, when they are comfortable with kissing you, then you should try all kinds of kisses except slow and loud kisses with them. Wait a little while kissing again, the front partner feels extremely good.
Cut the lips lightly with love
When you are kissing and want to bring passion in your partner, then you cut lightly on their lips in a loving feeling. But while doing this, keep in mind that they do not have pain nor blood comes out from their lips. Do not do too much. So that the partner gets upset.