Lad-love, anger, resentment… all these are our emotions. It is in our nature. But both anger and quarrel spoil the relationship. Because of this, many people's relationships do not last long and neither relationship is strong.
Boys have been considered ahead in case of anger and girls in case of being angry. Therefore, boys need to learn to control their anger. This is what the Relationship Rules say. If you know this art, then understand that even if there is a quarrel, the relationship cannot deteriorate.

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No need to convince girlfriend
Often we are unable to control anger during a fight. During that time we also speak those things which should never be spoken. Then later repenting, he goes to convince his girlfriend. But if you manage yourself before then the matter will not reach here. So if you do not want to persuade, then learn to control yourself.
1. Sweetness will remain in the relationship
2. Partner and you will always be happy
3. There will be no rift in the relationship
1. Good to distract your attention
A little thing sometimes becomes a big problem. So whenever there is a ruckus, you should divert your attention elsewhere. This is the kind of work where wandering can benefit.
1. Focus on the second point
2. Do not argue
3. Drink cold water
4. Count heart count
5. Listen to the song with headphones
This way you can focus your attention elsewhere. This may make your partner too busy somewhere else. In this way, do not let the love of both of you change into love.

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2. Do not count mistakes
Who does not make a mistake? When you allow your partner's anger to calm down, then explain it to him. Never make mistakes during debate. Doing this increases anger more. As a result of which nothing better can be achieved.
1. Do not make any allegations
2. End the matter right there
3. Don't judge yourself
3. Accept Disagreement
It may happen that there is a disagreement between the two about something. Because love does not mean that the partner says yes to everything on your behalf. Many people do not understand this. Then the matter moves forward.
1. Don't force your words
2. Don't talk stubbornly
3. Analyze yourself
4. Assess yourself
Arguing with someone is not a bad thing. But are you right? Assess this matter. Many times we are unable to know what we are fighting for. So do your assessment once. If you have a mistake, accept it easily.
1. Try to understand away from the tip
2. Never argue with partner
3. Discuss your mistake
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5. Listen to the partner too
This is what happens in a quarrel, we do not listen to others. If you give time to listen to the person in front of you, then there is hardly any chance of getting spoiled. So listen well to any thing your partner says and then react.
1. Respond calmly to anger
2. Do not lose your patience
3. Do not stop the partner from speaking
4. These things are necessary only for relationships
You can use these things to save your relationships. Because we must save the relationship. In a relationship, maintaining it is more important than winning and losing. Yes, if you are debating with someone else, then these things may not work.
Remember for a healthy relationship
It takes a long time to form a healthy and sweet relationship. But it only takes a few moments to break it. If you understand this then in love, keep a place for both consent and disagreement. Only through this an independent and healthy relationship can be maintained.