"Small fights strengthen the relationship. " You must have heard your elder elders saying this in your home. But how exactly is it practical in the day to day life? How do you handle a fight in a relationship positively?

Most people also agree with this. But when it comes to the relationship between couples or girlfriends / boyfriends, it is common to have noises or estrangements at times.
But the time between that quarrel and celebration is difficult for some and fun for some.
Think for yourself that your girlfriend should be angry and how many cute ideas come to your mind to celebrate her. After that, the joy of knowing what appears on both faces deepens the relationship.
But the quarrel between some people started with small talk increases many times. The feud also leads to breakup many times due to more pique.
Therefore, it is important that reconciliation is done as soon as possible so that a breakup does not occur. So today we are giving you some tips which will help in ending the quarrels in a relationship and maintaining romance.
1. Send a romantic text message
Every couple should thank the technology that you have a means of instant communication, ie mobile.
Yes, if you have a quarrel with your girlfriend and you are unconfirmed to go in front of her, then you can send her a romantic message.
Believe that this effort made on your behalf will work like a doctor's medicine in the disease. You can also write in the message of how much your relationship with GF matters.
If you get your message reply, then message further. If you do not get a reply, wait for some more time.
2. Make a call
Once the conversation starts on the message, the next step is the phone. Call your GF You can also call some days if the message is not answered.
The best way to start a conversation is to exchange happiness. However, this is not so easy to do, because after the fight there is a strange silence.
However, instead of the blaming game, if you talk about his day and other things related to it, then this difficult situation can be easily dealt with.
3. Apologize
An apology does not mean that you are wrong. Many times not even apologize for improving the relationship and ending the quarrel. Explain your mind to them.
No matter who makes the mistake, it can take a whole life to point out each other. The best way is to end the quarrel with a sorry voice. Believe it can be a very good idea.
4. Give a Surprise
Every girl loves a surprise. But it is not always a big gift. Small gifts or surprises can also make the partner happy and end the quarrel.
If possible, dinner date and lunch can also be planned. Earrings, perfumes, dress, etc. can be gifted. You can also send online gifts with a cute message card without telling them. It may be that their displeasure will disappear after getting it.
5. Forget previous things as soon as you wake up in the morning.
It is said that every morning brings a new day and new dreams. With this in mind, forget tomorrow's quarrel and then call or message your girlfriend as before.
By doing this you will realize that you really love him, then you have forgotten the previous things. Then, if you take one step forward, they will take that step forward and your old days will return again.
With the help of all these tips, couples can end mutual quarrels. If there is any problem besides this, you can ask us by commenting.