Possessiveness can Ruin your Relationship. Maintain relationship with these tips
Mar 26, 2021

Unless the boy is in a relationship, it is easy for him to manage his life.
But bonding with someone and caring for each other when love grows is normal. In such a situation, some questions always remain in the mind of the boy about his girlfriend. like,
1. Where will she be
2. What would she be doing?
3. Will you have food or not?
4. Does he have any problem?
5. Is any boy looking at her wrongly?
e.t.c. The way of thinking these things can be different for everyone. But sometimes the boy becomes more positive. In many cases, the same nature of the boy also bothers the girl.
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In the long-distance relationship, the boy starts thinking these things too much. I can understand this well because I am also in a long-distance relationship. I also worry about my girlfriend. When I fell in love, I became very positive for him, I didn't even realize it.
When I thought about it, I felt that I was being over-possessive for it. Positive means that I started thinking that he should just focus on me, talk to me, and move around with me. But I changed my habit and handled myself. It also gave me a lot to learn and my relationship became better than before.
I can say based on my experience that positive nature is fine. But over-positivity can cause a rift in your relationship and it can break.
So today, I am telling you a few things about pregnancy, which, following you, will deepen the romance, excitement and love in your relationship.
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How to understand love and possession
Possessiveness is largely associated with jealousy. This can be the reason for breaking any relationship. To a large extent, it is also associated with self-destructive feelings. It arises due to the feeling of fear, mistrust, and insecurity felt by the boy. It is important to understand the difference between love and possessiveness. There is trust in love between two people. The two share their things with each other on trust. But in jealousy, jealousy, selfishness and distrust develop, which can break any relationship.
Symptoms of Possessiveness
Positiveness is not just an attempt to dominate the other person, but also to show it in a perspective. Whereas the reality is that he would not have done anything. In over-possession, couples constantly doubt their partners and do not let them rest. Resentment on everything and seeking clarification on small matters is also a symptom of this.1. Love means trust
The more you love your partner, the more she loves you. Now if you keep thinking that she does not love you or she is not honest with you, then believe me your relationship will not last long. Trust in partner matters a lot in relationship. So trust your partner that she loves you too. If we do not believe in love, then that relationship will not have any value.2. Expect more
In any relationship, it is normal to have love and expectation from your partner. I have always heard that the more love you give to a girl, the more she will give you. But many girls are also such that they love a lot, but for some reason, they are not able to express it. This can also happen to boys. If you keep on speaking I Love You, I Love You to your partner all day and she did not respond for any reason, then it does not mean that she does not love you. This situation can come in any relationship.3. Insecurity if staying with friends
Insecurity may be felt if your partner talks to one of his male friends. But on the other hand, you have to understand that, as you have a female friend, in the same way, she can also have a male friend. But if you feel that his friend's behavior is not good for your partner, then you can talk to your partner comfortably. If she understands your feelings, then she will immediately pay attention to it. How to Deal with Your Girlfriend's Best Male Friend. To know about this, you can click on this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMMIs3ZLFTg Read More: 5 Things You Should Never Tell Your Girlfriend!! Know about them.4. Lack of personal space
Due to over-positivity, many boys talk to their girlfriends. This can be like this, where you are going, with whom you are going, do not do this, do not do that, etc. If you do this too, the girl will feel that you are interfering in her personal space. He may start feeling suffocated in the relationship. This habit can be dangerous for your beautiful relationship.5. Being more emotional
It is also imperative to be emotional for love and to have moist eyes when talking about future decisions. But if you start crying or getting upset over everything then believe me your partner will start getting irritated with you. Girls always like boys with braves and cool nature, not emotional ones. To avoid being too emotional in the relationship.