Weight Loss Drink: Home remedies for weight loss are considered safe and effective (Weight Loss Home Remedies). That is why people, knowing the advantages of small things present in their kitchen, try to lose weight with their help. Similar spices are Cumin Seeds and Carom Seeds, which are considered good for weight loss.
Yes, you can consume both these spices to reduce weight loss and belly fat. Because, in Ayurveda, they are said to be helpful in fat burning foods. They also reduce stomach related problems like bloating and indetermination. Therefore, belly fat is less visible. Therefore, most of these things are added to digestive and weight loss drinks.
How does Cumin help in the weight loss process
By the way, both celery and cumin lose weight. If you want, you can take them separately. But, if these two natural things are combined together, then the properties of both the things together with each other benefit the body more. Therefore, consume these two together. Taking both these spices on an empty stomach in the morning boosts metabolism. Also Read - Weight Loss Tip: With Ayurveda help in weight loss, drink this healthy tea, which increases immunity too
How to make this weight loss drink
- Every day you can easily prepare this drink and drink fresh drinks daily.
- To make this weight loss drink, take one spoon of cumin seeds and parsley.
- Then, boil it with 2 glasses of water. After boiling for 5-10 minutes, remove the mixture from the flame and let it cool.
- Take care not to cool the mixture completely. When the water is lukewarm, then filter it and drink it.
- If you want to chew cumin-parsley, you can drink this drink even without filtering.
Benefits of drinking cumin-thyme:
- body detox
- Gas relief
- Constancy provides comfort
- Cravings are less