It is a common sight to see partners holding hands. The general thing that this body language implies is intimacy. There are many things that reveal the way the hands are held together

There are many things that make the body language of the participants clear. Often when partners go together, it is almost always possible to calculate their intimacy and distance from their body language.
This can be clearly identified by a third party looking from the outside.It is a common sight to see partners shaking hands. The general thing that this body language implies is intimacy. There are many things that reveal the way the hands are held together
If Reaching out to hold
They are the ones who make the decisions if one touches the other's hand and finger while walking a little distance .In this one is the one who finds warmth in the relationship.
Hands and fingers clasped together
Holding hands and fingers together shows the closeness of the relationship. .If the two hold hands while holding hands in this way, the bond is strong .It is not good for one hand to be loose.
Also read:Little Things: Let's bring Happiness back in your Life and Relations.
By holding a finger
Holding one finger indicates that the two emphasize each other's independence .This type of person is well aware of how to respect each other .It also makes it clear that holding one's little finger of the other is a completely casual method.
Down Facing Palm
There is a method called Down Facing Palm. This is the way most participants hold hands. The method of holding the hand of the partner with the hand down is said to indicate that the partner is showing authority and at the same time protecting. They are the ones who take the initiative and make the decision.
Holding the Fore-arm

There are also those who start with the upper part of the hands, that is, from the bottom of the hand to the knees. It gives some indication of the partner's anger, that his partner should listen, listen and obey. At the same time, it is another indication of a desire to get together quickly.