Are your fingers a little curved? You'll be Satisfied in love!
Dec 20, 2020

There is a very close connection between love and the organs of the body. When pimples start appearing on your face, don't your friends joke, 'Love started and pimples started appearing on your face.' It is often necessary to say that this is true. You can know that your love is happy not only with pimples on the face but also with many other things. You may be wondering how this works. Many people go to people who look at their handwriting at festivals and other places and look to the future. Many future astrologers already look at the handwriting and facial expressions. But how true this is will be realized only when it is put into practice. Let us look at the sign of whether you are happy or satisfied in this kind of love.
Often many people talk about love looking at handwriting. No one cares how true this is. But it feels good to hear that. But it is enough to look at your organs to see what obligations and problems arise in your love life. Let's see what we can understand in this kind of love life.
The sincerity of love is the problem of many. Often, many will be skeptical about how sincere you are in love and how sincere your partner is. Haven't you heard many people say love? You don't love me at all now, you don't love me like you used to. But you know these things when you look at your organs.
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Often when many people fall in love, they forget everything and fall in love. They do not know anything around them. But it is doubtful how long it will last. Because, often love can give up boredom very quickly. When such boredom presents itself, doubts etc. arise in the partner. This can lead to your love falling apart very quickly. But you can tell by looking at your organs whether you are satisfied with your love.
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Are you satisfied with your love? Or does your love make you happy? And so on. At first it was said that one only needs to look at the organs to understand the satisfaction and happiness of love. Let's see how this works.
It is said that your fingers tell you the satisfaction and joy of love. If your fingers are bent it means that you are satisfied with your love. I don’t know how true this is. However, according to the manuscript, it says so.
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Your handwriting will also tell you if your love is blooming. As mentioned above, if your fingers are bent, it means that your love will blossom and your love will come to marriage and thereby life will be as you want it to be. People with these kinds of fingers will lead a very happy life. In their minds, there is only love and happiness. Are you in love? Then you look at one of your fingers. If they are twisted you will not only be satisfied with your romance but your romance will lead to marriage.
You can often evaluate your love by looking at the handwriting. You can know by looking at the curves of the fingers as mentioned above to know how happy and contented your love is. Not only this, in order to understand your love in many different ways, it is enough to pay attention to your body, body and your organs.
Handwriting and love

The sincerity of love

Are you satisfied with your love?

How do you know this?

Are your fingers bent?

Will your love blossom?

Handwriting and love