2H Fit

2 Yoga Asanas for Asthma Patients

May 16, 2020


2 Yoga Asanas for Asthma Patients
You can treat asthma by applying some Yogasana for asthma patient and posture. In asthma, mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract, which makes it difficult to breathe. Inflammation causes the respiratory tract to shrink. Due to this, the patient's length of breath decreases greatly and chest tightness is experienced. The disease is aggravated by excess dust-soil, contaminated air and cold days. Patients with asthma should always have a rightward movement. One should eat hot-scented things as long as they do not have hemorrhoids. Asanas are useful in topics, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Veerasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Supta Veerasana and Paschimottanasana. In Pranayama, Nadisodhan Pranayama, Uddiyan Bandha and Suryabhedi Pranayama are beneficial.
15- in the open air in the morning and evening when you have asthma. Anulom-antonyms should be done for 15 minutes. Yoga for asthma patient: If you stop the left nostril for one hour, then just breathe for two to three minutes from the right nostril and leave, then it will be beneficial. We have only one nostril at a time. Asthma attack during asthma can stop asthma by closing it. In this disease, doing some postures like Apanavayu Mudra, Pran Mudra and Surya Mudra is also beneficial. But the most effective is the asthma posture.

Do Asthma Posture

Bend the middle fingers of both hands and mix their nails together. Keep the remaining fingers straight and slightly apart from each other. Do Asthma mudra for about 5-5 minutes five times. There will be a benefit.

Do Bhujangasana, get relief in asthma

Lying on your stomach, lift the upper part of your waist forward. Let the feet meet together. Fold the neck backward and keep it in this state for a few moments. Let the breath become comfortable. Stop for a while, so that the pressure falls on the lower spine. Exhale slowly and return. Keep the neck back and slowly allow the chest and later the head to be attached to the ground. Try doing Bhujangasana in Asthma every day, Yogasana for asthma patient will be seen in a few days.  

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