Excessive anger problems? There is no better way to control anger.
Dec 25, 2020

Anger ... Anger ... Anger ... Everyone is angry. This anger is the main reason for the breakdown of many relationships. Do you often get into fights with your partner? Is there any certainty as to what constitutes sudden anger?
It is said that where there is love, there is fear and strife. But where is the time to think about all this while arguing? Be it your friends, relatives or life partner! It is not uncommon for us to blame them for the anger that arises when we fight with each other and call out everything that comes out of our mouths. There are those who shout out in anger and throw away whatever they can get their hands on. But most people are worried about it later and feel that they should not have done so. Are you one of those people who gets angry so quickly? Then here are some cool tips to help you control your anger.
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Experts have found that all the healthy conflicts that arise in the family life help to strengthen the bond between the couple and to loosen the bonds of disagreement. Each fight, whether it is good or bad, small or large, depends on your partner's attitude. At this point we do not realize the fact that when there are quarrels and disputes between the partners, one gets angry and yells at the other and only makes things worse.
If one of the partners is willing to exercise restraint in the midst of a quarrel, it will help him to deal with the problems better. I know this is not as easy as it sounds. Even so, if you try a few tips in your life that will help you do this, you will be able to control your sudden anger.
Deep Breath ... When you realize that anger is going to erupt from within you during a fight with your partner, take a step back and take a deep breath. You can deal with the situation more calmly and with restraint if you practice it even before you go to discuss something that is likely to quarrel with the partner. Before you say something angrily to your partner, take three deep breaths. Whatever you want to say, say it in the lowest voice. Never speak loudly. Because making too much noise and screaming always makes the listener feel angry with us.
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It is very important to understand the methods of quarreling between you. Most couples fight and fight in a special way. It's easier to understand this and try to identify the things that cause your anger. Let your partner know about your weaknesses. Tell them to avoid the temptation to have it. This will help you to avoid losing your temper and resolving your differences amicably.
Sometimes our emotions can easily make us angry. If these changes in attitude are the cause of your sudden anger, you need to find the reasons behind it and control it. If hypersensitivity overwhelms you, it is best to kick it out. But it is not up to your partner to vent your anger. If possible, make it a habit to write a diary. Discuss things with a close friend or a therapist. Talking openly about it with your partner can be a much better decision. Usually when we think of problems that we have had in the past, we all get irritated quickly.
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We are all people who call out everything that comes out of our mouths in the sudden anger that arises when we fight with each other. But before you do that, have you ever thought about the consequences it will have on you and your partner? The repercussions of this will probably be beyond your means. Maybe after a while a big guilt will haunt you. Above all, try to remember that the person who loves and cares for you the most is standing in front of you. Can we hurt anyone we love? Therefore, it is enough to think about the consequences of quarreling with your partner in order to calm down quickly.
I have found that hugging a loved one makes you love them more and releases happy hormones into our body. It helps to calm the nerves by reducing our stress. So, whenever you feel very angry with your partner, instead of shouting at them, go one step further and hug them.
Anger comes from something human and natural. But where it can be self-controlled, one can pour out mutual love and happiness.

Just control this anger ...

Anger between couples

Take a deep breath when angry

Understand the methods and motivations of the fight

Avoid over-emotionalism

Try to think about the consequences

Hug your partner tightly when angry