Video : 5 tips that will fulfill the desire of curvy figure in Women
May 22, 2020

One out of every 5 women is not satisfied with their figure. She makes all kinds of efforts to make her figure shapely and beautiful, even the whole internet scrounges. If you want to make your figure shapely and beautiful then these tips can help you.

- Research has proved that drinking a mixture of papaya juice in a glass of milk daily helps in better development of breast.
- If you want a curvy figure, then include more protein in your food. Include eggs, butter, fish, lentils in your meal. Eat some dry fruits daily. You will see the difference in a few days.
- Some light exercises can also help you get a shapely figure. You do regular push-ups. Start it slowly and increase the time to do pushups over time.
- Flaxseed will be easily found at the grocery store. Mix and eat it with salad. It contains omega 3 fatty acids which can help you to make the breast shapely and attractive.
- You add beetroot to your food. Beetroot improves blood circulation and makes your reproductive system healthy. In this way, your figure also becomes attractive.
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