Walking or Running: Which Exercise is Better for Weight Loss?
May 17, 2020

Walking or running - what is better?
When it comes to weight loss, along with diet, it is very important to do workouts too because your weight will be reduced only when the body accumulates calorie burn and it is very important to workout or exercise to burn calories. The 2 easiest and famous ways to workout - walking and running.
Which workout burns more calories?
A large number of people are seen walking and jogging every morning and evening. But people who do workouts to lose weight often have confusion in their mind that they should be walking or running to get better results in less time. This is because most people believe that running more calories than running burns. So what is the reality?
What does the study say?
A survey published in the journal Medicine and Science lasted for about 6 years in which data was collected after talking to 30 thousand people running and 15 thousand people walking. During this time, it was tried to know which of these two groups lost the most weight and who retained it for a long time. You will be surprised to know that people from both walking and running groups burned calories every week. However, there were people in the running group who managed to control their weight and maintain it for a long time.
Calorie burn even after a workout :
Because high intensity exercise results in longer and longer duration than normal workout. Calorie burn is occurring from the body even when you are in a relaxed posture through high intensity exercise or workout because your metabolic rate increases during very high intensity exercise and up to 14 hours after exercise. The calorie burn in it keeps on burning.