Super Brain Yoga Exercises to increase Brain Capacity
May 12, 2020

When you wake up every morning, your health condition determines your daily routine. Any disease of the body weakens our enthusiasm and causes difficulty in doing the daily work properly. There are many yoga asanas which are helpful in keeping you healthy, especially physically, but only one stop towards the goal of complete health. Your mental health is equally important.
Your brain plays an important role in the daily work. Your ability to react, the ability to understand, the ability to feel and then be able to function well are all related to your brain health.
Many times we do not understand that the brain needs nutrition and energy every day like other parts of the body. Just as physical exercise is necessary to keep the body correct, similarly brain exercise is necessary for intelligence. Yoga asanas are very effective in doing the right work for our body as a whole.
How to do Super Brain Yoga?
- Stand upright, arms in normal position.
- Raise your left hand and hold your right Karna Pallava and keep in mind that Aguntha should be facing the front.
- Now raise the right hand and holding your left ear Pallava, your right arm should be above the left arm.
- Take deep breaths and sit slowly.
- Wait 2-3 seconds.
- Relax and breathe out, thus completing a cycle.
- Every day you can do 15 such cycles.
Benefits of Super Brain Yoga Benefits of super brain yoga
With super brain yoga, the acupressure points present in your ear pulses activate your brain capacity. This exercise benefits the brain:- Right and left brain coordination
- By properly distributing and calming the energy in the body
- Increased thinking ability
- By increasing mental energy
- By increasing creativity
- By increasing the power of cognition
- By increasing concentration and memory
- Increased decision-making ability
- Reduce stress
- Psychologically stabilized