Eat These and Make Your Hair Strong
May 12, 2020

What you eat also affects your hair. By taking a balanced and nutritious diet, you can make your hair thick and dark. We are telling you, about many such things that consuming them will make you beautiful, and dark.
1. Spinach Spinach can be found in plenty of vitamin C, folate, iron and beta carotene. Drinking spinach juice or consuming it as a vegetable will not only keep you dense and dark but will also get rid of dandruff.
2. Sweet potato contains beta carotene and anti-oxidant. This will make your hair very thick.
3. Walnuts Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and biotin. With this protein, your hair will become black and thick.
4. Carrots Vitamin-E present in carrots helps a lot in growing, darkening and thickening hair. Due to the vitamin C present in it, the blood in the scalp circulates properly, so that your hair does not turn white.
5. Eggs Besides protein, iron, sulfur, zinc and selenium are also found in eggs. Egg prevents your hair fall.
6. Almond Almond contains iron, copper, phosphorus, vitamin B-1 and protein. Applying 2-3 teaspoons of milk in almond oil and applying it to the hair strengthens the scalp as well as the roots of the hair.
7. Banana
Banana contains vitamins A and B in the form of sugar, fiber, thymine and folic acid. Regularly eating banana makes the hair quite strong.
8. Prance
Prance is a boon for dry, thin, lifeless and weak hair. By including it in your diet, you can make your hair strong.
9. Peas Iron, zinc and B group vitamins are found in peas. They are very good for hair health.
10. Oats In addition to fiber, oats contain iron, zinc and omega 6 fatty acids. It is very important for hair growth. They can be used daily for breakfast.
11. Sour Fruits Regular hair intake of citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, lemons will make your hair stronger. Berries are considered to be the best for hair.