Glute Bridges
Lie on the mat. Fold the legs from the knees. Keep your hands on the floor in a straight line on both sides. Now while breathing, slowly raise the waist or hip. Stay exactly in the bridge position. Do not move your hands. Now slowly exhale, bringing the hip down. Do not overdo it in the beginning. Perform this exercise according to the capacity of the body. You can also do an advanced version of this. For example, straighten one leg above and lift the waist from the ground and then bring it down. Do the same process with the other leg. Do the glute bridge exercise 15-20 times, especially when you sit and work for hours. This makes the legs and hips strong. Pain in the waist and knees will be less.Leg Swings
Stand up straight. Keep both hands at the waist. Now swing one leg into the air. Do this 6-7 times. Repeat this process with the other leg as well. Performing leg swings increases blood circulation in the legs. This is a great way to warm-up. This increases the blood flow in the muscles of the feet as well as maintains motion in the joints.