With the help of these yogas, do weight loss after pregnancy Yoga for Post Pregnancy Weight Loss:
Mountain Pose
In this yoga posture, body posture has to be made like a mountain top. By the way, practicing this yoga is very easy. Therefore, it does not require much effort to practice it. Eclampsia affects the spine, waist and back. Therefore, belly fat is reduced. Also, there is relief from the pain felt in the waist, back and shoulder.
How to practice the mountain -
- By laying yoga mats on the ground, sit in Vrajasana. Then keep both of your palms together in a posture of salutation. Now slowly bring both hands to your chest.
- Then, move your palms slowly above the head. Try to pull your arms upward. In this case, the upper part of your hands should be adjacent to the ears.
- Keep your ankles on the floor and lift the hips slowly. Now slowly bring your hands down. Bring the palms near the chest and return to the posture. In this yogasana keep the back straight and repeat as per your convenience.
Foot spread Paschimottanasan
This Yogasana affects areas with the highest fat deposits, such as the stomach and pelvic part, after pregnancy. The practice of this yoga asana is easy and it is also less likely to cause backache, which is usually felt by women when exercising after pregnancy. If You eat Watermelon at the wrong time, Your kidneys will become weakMethod of practice-
- To start this asana, sit in the samasti mudra. Then, keep your legs straight, and spread them slowly.
- Now exhaling, move both hands up. Keep neck straight. Then exhaling, move your hands towards the feet. Try to hold the toe with hands.
- Then, while in this pose one should try to touch the ground with the torso. Then slowly bring the head down, so that the ground can be touched by the head. Then, slowly move the body to the former posture.