Link Between Emotions and Food: Have you noticed that the day you cook very happy, the taste of food increases a lot on that day. But, on the day your mood is bad, the food does not taste even on that day, whether you believe it or not. But, your emotions also affect your food.
Actually, a Japanese writer and researcher Masaru Imoto ( Masaru Emoto) has also confirmed this. He has researched the effect of various human emotions and thoughts on water. Emoto's discovery leads to the conclusion that human energy and mental states affect the molecular structure of water.
Actually, one of the cooks Invisible is energy, which food absorbs. This energy that flows from human body to food also reaches the person eating the food. Similarly, the taste, color and taste of the food is also affected depending on the mood of the person cooking it.
Does the taste of food really fit our mood?
Emoto's research and experiments show that positive thoughts, words and prayers have a positive effect on the composition of water. Similarly, dirt dissolved in water is also cleaned. Whereas, negative thinking and feelings like sadness, despair also affect the structure of water. But, in a negative way. When you cook, the same principle applies there.