2H Fit

Do Bhramari Pranayama to Get Relief from Migraine Pain

May 15, 2020


Do Bhramari Pranayama to Get Relief from Migraine Pain
Headache is a common thing in the running life. But when this problem escalates, migraine takes the form. Migraine begins with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Migraines usually last 3 to 4 hours. But sometimes this problem lasts for a very long time. Today we are going to tell you about Bhramari Pranayam, which can relieve you of migraine pain to a great extent. (Migraine Problem)

Do Bhramari Pranayama for the relief of migraine:

According to the American Migraine Foundation, migraine problems occur 3 times more than men. Migraines begin to have problems at the age of 10 to 40 years. According to experts, migraine headaches can occur due to several reasons. These causes can be conditions like fatigue, stress, irritability, change in weather, skipping food etc. There is no exact cure for migraines, but we can control its symptoms. Yoga is considered the best way to control migraines. Yoga experts believe that Bhramari Pranayam is the best pranayam for migraines. This calms our mind quite quickly. Along with this, it is one of the best breathing yogasanas. With this pranayama, problems like depression, anger, excitement can be controlled.

What is Bhramari Pranayama?

The name of Bhramari Pranayama is derived from the black Indian honey bee. It is considered to be a very effective yogasana to calm the mind. You can do this yoga asana anywhere. Whether it is home or office, you can do this easy yoga asana. In this pranayama, you have to extract the sound of a bee while exhaling. Therefore it is called Bhramari Pranayama.
Also read - How to Lose weight With KapalBhati Pranayama?

Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama

If you do Bhramari pranayama daily, this will relieve you from the problem of migraine. This pranayama also relieves problems like anger and anxiety. Patients with hypertension or high blood pressure also benefit from this pranayama. Blood pressure remains under control with this yoga. Along with this, if you are a victim of anxiety, then include this pranayam in your daily routine. With this you will find yourself free from anxiety in no time.  

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