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Identify 5 ways of messaging that will Tell You that the Girl Loves You or Not

Jul 04, 2020


Identify 5 ways of messaging that will Tell You that the Girl Loves You or Not
Dating Tips: Many times you start liking a girl in your mind, but you do not understand whether she likes you or not? In such a situation, we are telling you here how to find it and whether or not you should proceed to keep your mind. There was a time when you had limited means to express your feelings. But in today's modern era, many such medium have been brought among the people, which gives them a platform to express their feelings. Yes, we are talking about many such messaging apps, which are helpful in conveying your mind without saying too much to a particular person. Many times, you have good friends with people or say that you have more than friends for someone. But how to find out that when someone is messaging you again and again, is there love or just friends? Let us tell you how to identify.

Use of Nickname

When a girl talks to your nickname while messaging you, there can be no better indication that she is interested in you. Because it usually happens when you are a very close friend or if you consider someone more than a friend. So by this sign, understand that you are a friend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP8U3nGHsNI

Repeatedly sending personal emojis or stickers

Depending on when you are attached to someone or the feeling you have towards them, you use some personal emoji in texting. Now as during formal conversations, people will avoid using emoji or stickers. But the emojis shared between friends are different from those sent to a special friend or a lover. So if you get most of the love emoji from a girl, while there is no such thing in the message, then maybe she likes you.

Talking to you every day for a long time

Often seen, when someone likes someone, he makes time to talk to him even in his busy day. When a girl is eager to know your plan every day and wishes to join your plan, it can also be a gesture towards love.

Commenting on WhatsApp profile or status

If a girl comments or gives her opinion on each of your profile pictures or status. Apart from this, changing the picture on your profile and asking for your approval can also be a gesture of love.

Sharing your childhood picture

There is no doubt that most people use many photo editing apps or filters to improve photos. We all have childhood photos, a little love and a shimmer. But if someone is sharing their childhood pictures with you, then you are special for them. Because we often only share our childhood photos with someone we are very close to. If a girl shares such pictures while texting you, then it can be a sign of your special presence in her life.

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