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6 Signs of Emotional Abuse in a Relationship. Do not Ignore.

Apr 22, 2021


6 Signs of Emotional Abuse in a Relationship. Do not Ignore.
Often, physical abuse comes to our mind as soon as we hear the word exploitation. Exploitation is not just physical, but also mental and emotional. When someone hurts you with his words and anger or asks you to speak and you. Often we hear the words of exploitation Physical abuse only comes. Exploitation is not just physical, but also mental and emotional. When a person hurts you with his words and anger or asks you to listen to him and tries to control you, it is called as exploitative exploitation. In many relationships where there is love, there are disputes also. But the battles in love seem to be okay only to some extent. If the debate or battle escalates more, then your partner's words start hurting your self-respect. In such a situation, the loving relationship of many couples turns into an abusive relationship. The relationship in which emotional blackmailing makes you feel very suffocated at times. Let us tell you how emotional abuse starts in a relationship.

11 Subtle Signs You Might Be In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship | HuffPost Life

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Bashing or taunting repeatedly

If you are giving respect to your partner, but you are not getting respect in return, then this thing hurts your honor. Due to which the distance in the relationship also increases. It is very important to give respect to each other in love. Battles are on one side and honor is on one side. The partner repeatedly bites you, taunts you, taunts you and shouts at you. This is where emotional exploitation begins in the relationship.


In any relationship, it is very important for both partners to pay attention to each other. If your partner makes you agree to theirs and ignores your point, then do not ignore it. This can hurt your honor. Keeping yourself away from the partner emotionally and not showing any interest in you and your words are also signs of emotional abuse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vhx2hlko28 Read More: 5 Tips to Create Amazing Vibes with your Partner in a New Relationship

Forced to speak

In many couples, partners force themselves to get their say. Like, between many couples, their desires and decisions are imposed on each other, which is utterly wrong. In any relationship, it is necessary to respect the feelings, decisions and desires of both. Apart from this, keep such expectations from you which are not possible to fulfill or to show you that you are not fit for any work.

Emotional blackmailing

Many couples do emotional blackmail to their partners to get their say. Due to emotional blackmailing, many times you agree with your partner, even if you do not wish when you are not happy at all.

Unnecessary battles

Unnecessary battles begin in many couples. Instead of talking about each small thing with prudence, turning things into a fight is also a symptom of emotional exploitation. Which leads to fights and distance between the couples.

How to Heal from Emotional Abuse

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Emotional Exploitation

  • Emotional exploitation makes the relationship hollow, eliminating love in the relationship.
  • People living in such a relationship keep choking inside, due to which many people become a victim of stress.
  • Any relationship thrives in love, if there is mental and emotional abuse in the couple, the relationship is on the verge of breaking up.
  • Emotional exploitation also sometimes forces a person to take the wrong steps. Therefore, in order to save your relationship, in these circumstances, talk openly and intelligently with the partner.

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