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If you smoke cigarettes Then quitting smoking reduces the risk of Covid-19

May 31, 2020


If you smoke cigarettes Then quitting smoking reduces the risk of Covid-19

Coronavirus and Smoking:

Smoking damages the lungs (Lungs). As such, the formation of receptor proteins increases the risk of Coronavirus Pandemic. Significantly, Novel Coronavirus enters the cells of the human body. A recent study suggested that quitting smoking reduces the risk of serious corona virus infection. (Risk Of Coronavirus Outbreak) The findings of this study Journal Journal Cell Cell). According to which, smokers have a very high risk of being exposed to Covid-19 Infection. Cancer geneticist at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the United States and lead author associated with the study, Jason Schultzer, said, "In this study, we saw that cigarette smoke leads to widespread increases in ACE2." Which makes it a medium for the virus to enter the cells of the human body.

Cigarette smokers are more at risk of Coronavirus (Coronavirus and Smoking):

According to the researchers, quitting smoking may reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection. According to experts, people who are vulnerable to the virus show only a few mild symptoms. However, patients will need intensive care if there is a serious problem. Scientists said that the risk of this virus is very high especially to the people of 3 major groups. These include men, the elderly and people who smoke. Also Read - CDC said in a new study, 35 percent of coronavirus patients are asymptomatic, know who is at greater risk Keeping these things in mind, also consider some old published information was done. In this way, an attempt was made to understand whether these groups, which are known to be more susceptible to coronavirus, show some specific signs associated with the formation of ACE2 protein. For this, attention was paid to the gene activity in the lungs of the people involved in these three sensitive groups. In which, ACE2 protein levels were shown to be increased in cigarette smoke rats and smoking humans. People smoking cigarettes were found to have 30–55 per cent more ACE2 protein formation than others. However, the data in this study did not change the age or love of men. No specific difference was shown on the basis of. A high amount of this protein was seen in people who smoke cigarettes. So at the same time, the level of ACE2 protein in the body of people who quit smoking cigarettes was lower than the people who smoke cigarettes. (Coronavirus and Smoking connection)

Quit smoking, reduced risk of Kovid-19:

In this study, it has been reported that ACE2 in the respiratory tract contributes most to the formation of proteins, mucus present in the respiratory tract. These cells are called goblet cells, and they occur in considerable amounts in the respiratory tract. Cigarette smoke can stimulate these cells to form proteins. Therefore, reduce cigarette smoking habits to avoid fatal infections of Covid-19. Will neem leaves neutralize Coronavirus? Know what experts say

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