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Symptoms of Corona and Flu: How to distinguish between symptoms of coronavirus and flu

Jun 06, 2020


Symptoms of Corona and Flu: How to distinguish between symptoms of coronavirus and flu
Symptoms of Corona & Flu: The panic of Coronavirus has increased so much in people that they are getting nervous even after coughing, colds, fever due to changing weather and treatment. We are going to the doctor. Even if people are afraid, why not? Symptoms of flu are very similar to corona and normal. In fact, even in corona infected people, the first mild symptoms are Symptoms of coronavirus, cough, cold, fever. Symptoms of Corona & Flu are also seen when someone has viral or flu, in such a way that someone has got flu or corona, how to detect it is a big question.
The question that comes to the mind of most people is whether one should get a corona test done if there is a cough or fever? There is a difference between these two, but that difference is very fine, which everyone should know. First of all, coronavirus and flu virus are completely different. Both these viruses belong to different families. COVID-19 (COVID-19) is a novel coronavirus that first appeared in 2019 and has been causing havoc in the world ever since. The flu virus is quite old and people know about it. It does not harm life. Symptoms of Corona & Flu are found in each other, but you can still identify them, ie you can know whether you have corona or only flu.

If you have Breathing Difficulty along with fever, Be Alert:

When a person has the flu, he only has a fever, he does not feel any difficulty in breathing. Whereas, when corona is infected, you also have trouble breathing with a high fever. Apart from this, there is also dry cough. A dry cough means you are infected with Kovid-19. A sore throat along with a dry cough is also a symptom of Corona (Covid-19 symptoms). High fever, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath are the main early symptoms of coronavirus. In such a situation, please contact the doctor without delay. Based on all these symptoms, you will have a Covid-19 test, after which you will know whether you are corona positive or not. Also Read - This homegrown recipe for Indians may reduce the risk of coronavirus, UK researchers claim  

Oxygen deficiency in blood

If a person is infected with corona, then there is a lack of oxygen in his blood. Only the doctor can catch this symptom after examination.

Common Symptoms of Corona

  • Fever
  • Runny nose or stuffy nose
  • Symptoms of Corona & Flu
  • Sore throat, headache
  • Ear pain in middle year infection
Also Read - To avoid coronavirus, distance of 6 feet is also less, know what research says

Serious symptoms of coronavirus

  • Diarrhea, vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lung trouble and pneumonia
  • Reduced urination when the kidney is affected
  • Diarrhea, nausea

Symptoms of Flu 

Symptoms are a cold, a cold, a fever for a day or two, cough, headache, red eye, watery eyes, etc.

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