2H Fit

How to Chat With Your Crush Online?

Jun 19, 2020


How to Chat With Your Crush Online?
Do not start chatting with your crush as soon as you see it online. It may be that your heartbeat speeds up as soon as your crush signs in, but that does not mean that you have to hurry to start your conversion. It is better to take a little time and show that you are not waiting for her to sign in and talk with her.
  • Provided your crush is not the kind of person who signs in for only one minute at a time, then let some time pass - at least 10 or 15 minutes. By doing this your crush will see that even if you want to talk with him, but you have other things worth doing online. By doing this, you will look a little less clingy type or like a trailing person.
  • Very much Do not wait too long, otherwise your crush will not you Interested in.
  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gko8PPuo5fk Make a fun and casual start:  When you greet your crush or say hi, it is important that you start the conversation right, so that your crush wants to spend more time talking with you. Here it is important for you not to show too much from your side --- but also do not become very calm.
  • "how are you?" Or "What else is going on?" Ok to say Do not try too much to please your crush's heart with your start.
  • If you want, you can start with a funny story that happened to you, with something that happened between you before, or something cool that you have heard in the news. Again, keep it short and don't try too much.
Always be the first to avoid being a "hi / hello" speaking person:  It is also important to create a balance in your relationship. You do not have to be the person who always messes up first, because by doing so, your crush may also wish to talk to you again sometime.
  • It may be that your crush is just a shy person and when you step on your side, then it feels good. But if that's the case, then it can be a sign that when you take your relationship to the next level, your crush will still want you to do all the work. It will start becoming very difficult very fast.

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