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10 things Men must know about periods

Jan 12, 2021


10 things Men must know about periods

"Hadn't it just left , how come it is that time again ?! " The question that comes to your mind every month with the period of your girlfriend or wife. During her periods, you try your best, yet you are not able to please her. Sometimes even a few slaps taken.

You must have loved her very much. Do not doubt your love, but maybe your approach goes a little wrong. Because you are less aware of 'Girl Matters'. So we are giving you a little knowledge on girls' periods. As a friend The advice is that keep it in mind, you will profit. Also Read: Your First Kiss, This Is How You Will Feel Like. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) | womenshealth.gov

1. Health related problems

The most important thing is that periods do not come alone. A few days before the period, girls start having health issues. Such as painful pimples and swelling of breasts. May come with periods, sometimes constipation and sometimes loose motions. And period cramps can range from a light stretch to as severe as a labor pen. So let the girls rest a lot during their periods.

2. Having a chocolate creates happiness

All normal people like chocolate. But during periods there arises such a desire to eat chocolate that she can even take someone's life for her.

3. I want love!

Be it a mother, father, girlfriend or boyfriend, most of all, she needs love. If you put it on the chest or massage the head and back lightly, then you will be ready to kill yourself in minutes. Periods have no impact on women's memory or multi-tasking ability, says study - Lifestyle News

4. Stubborn child becomes

It is his period-proven right to cry and scream and make use of his mind lying on the bed. She becomes stubborn, especially on things that can be harmful for her in periods. Like drinking cold water or coke, and blowing cigarettes. And yes. Smoking cigarettes is a bad thing. The Health Ministry had asked to be told.

4. Run for life!

These are 3-4 days when his presence level is the lowest. How much he loves you, and which of his friends is most special, it is decided by his hitting. Jhalla is often victimized by his boxing or throws something at his closest people. But lovingly. Later, the victim of gilt gets hugged as well. Read More: Touching Ways To Apologize To Your Partner

5. Shopping

In the same way, there are many more. It may be from people whose heat of the brain is dissipated by dissipating the heat of the pocket. When the periods come at the beginning of the month, then understand that the whole month will be spent in Bengali. Shopping online by spreading the legs on the bed makes him happy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GYP5RNEX2Q

6. Fear of being stained

Although the stain of blood is a normal thing. If blood flows, then it will be stained. But from the thought of washing bedsheets to pajamas, she is so nervous that she keeps getting up at night by surprise. We Need To Have Conversations Around Menstrual Shame And How It Affects Women - Potentash

8. Bed is her best friend

Keeping her in bed with hot water, chocolates, books or his favorite TV series is the solution for every problem. Also Read: Want to tell a new girlfriend about Ex? What is the right time for it?

9. Should be big

Every girl is a little older. She always calls this friend home. When a friend is away, he calls her and abuses her for hours away. But she shares her mind with him. And what would be better than this that you become his skin?

Husband comforting his wife by ATWStock | VideoHive

10. Sex Behavior

Due to changes in hormones, their sexual behavior becomes extreme. Sometimes she kicked and dropped her lover from the bed because 'I just want to sleep'. And sometimes you get so excited that you want to try every kind of kinky thing.

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