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5 Tips on How to Start a Conversation with a Girl – The Truth About Pick Up Lines and Openers!

Mar 05, 2021


5 Tips on How to Start a Conversation with a Girl – The Truth About Pick Up Lines and Openers!
When you finish reading this, you will have absolutely zero excuses left. Some of you gentlemen act like you need to discover the secrets of chatting up b-tches. Pathetic! I will tell you right now; there are none! You don’t need a mother fu-king script. You don’t need to waste time learning how to become a PUA. Your pickup lines? Throw them in the trash along with your unmotivated, lazy attitude. If you would just do it, you’d realize that all the dating gurus are the same as the get rich quick guys: Completely full of sh-t!
60 Cheesy Pick Up Lines to Make Her Laugh | Best Life Also Read: 10 Tips to Help You Act Cool in Front of Your Crush and Grab Their Attention You can’t build up your emotional bank account in life without pulling the trigger. You’ve must accept the risk that comes along with the practice.

Don’t Wait – Talk to Her Now!

It’s either now or never. Don’t wait until the “time’s just right,” because I can assure you, that time will never come. Save all your expectations for the fairytales, because “perfect” isn’t what happens in the real world! It honestly doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to say. Lots of guys get flustered by their words and mentally go blank just before approaching a woman. Yet, there is one word every man, universally, can say to any woman, regardless of the place, time, and so on. It’s, brace yourself… “Hello.”

Why flirting is OK even if you're not single – SheKnows

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Can you believe it? A single word that the entire population has used for generations as a way to make an introduction. Millions upon millions of horrendous men who have absolutely nothing going for them in life have managed to marry beautiful women and have children using it. Shocking! How many times have you looked around and seen and a pig with a woman light-years beyond his league? In reality, what you say doesn’t matter. The risk you take does! Some of you probably think that’s a lame opener, and I don’t blame you. I’d agree with you myself if I were into making pathetic excuses! Now, I will cover more on what to say below, but there are a few things on how to start a conversation with a girl that you must know first.
If a woman is attractive, you know it instantly. You don’t need to do the math; you don’t need to observe her under a microscope; there is no formula to solve! Your brain tells you one of two things: She is hot, or she is not. Some of you guys throw in all of these equations that truly don’t matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7V2IIQ8XRc Read More: 5 Tips to send an Accidental Text On Purpose: How to Use It & When To Avoid It

How to Start a Conversation with a Girl:

Now you know when to start a conversation, but what in the world do you say? What happens after “hello”? Who is going to carry the conversation? If you’re introvert or shy around women, you probably feel like you’re going to crack under pressure. If you’ve already gotten her phone number, you might be wondering what you should text her first. I could go on and on here…

However, I want to be very clear once again: You don’t need a mother f-cking script or pickup lines!

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1. Be present in the moment

What you need: Is to be present. You can use everything around you as a prop to talk about. For example: Her necklace could remind you of one you gave your mother for Christmas. Perhaps you simply like the color of her dress and decide to make a comment about it. If she has a dog with her, you can ask how old it is, what breed it is, where she got her dog from, how many years she has had it, what vet she goes to, what dog food she recommends, and so on. If you’re at a coffee shop, you can ask her what her favorite drink is, and if she has any other favorite coffee shops in the area. If she mentions she’s from out of town, you can ask where she’s from. Why did she decide to vacation in your city? Where else she has traveled before, alongside her favorite destinations, etc. My point is, you don’t need a script to carry a conversation, nor do you need to use pickup lines to start one. Just be curious, and more importantly, be authentic. The questions will roll on in, one after one.

2. You don’t need pickup lines

All it takes is a simple “Hello” to get the ball rolling. Every man can do that. There are no excuses. Of course, there is no reason to use things like pickup lines either.

If you’re tongue-tied and suck at communication, do this: Take a notebook to the park. Write down everything you see. The color of the leaves. What people are wearing as they walk past you. What your ear, see, smell, etc. Jot it all down. By the end of the day, you will have a million things to talk about.

Girl flirting with guy at bar ⬇ Video by © iD-Stock Stock Footage #113711558

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3. Practice

Remember, it’s all about practice. Doing that little bit above will help tremendously. You’d be amazed at just how much you ignore throughout the way when you aren’t focused on being in the present moment. Most of you guys stare at your phone, forgetting about the world all around you. It’s great to take a break and get back to reality. When it comes to texting, sure things are different, but the root of it all stays the same. The truth is, you’re simply carrying over the conversation. You can keep on with the same topic you left off at or introduce a new. If you want to make things interesting, just ask any one of these top 75 best questions to ask a girl. I’ve put together a massive list of ideas to talk about. It doesn’t matter how foolish you think they are, how personal they are, or if they are misspelled… Send the damn question on out! And yes, they work just as well online as they do in person.

4. Don’t worry so much about the conversation

It truly doesn’t matter what you say. Saying something is better than saying nothing at all. Don’t second guess yourself every step of the way. Just trust your gut. A lot of these dating gurus today will make you believe that you must say this or that in order to win over a woman. I can tell you right now that they are all full of sh-t. They want you to panic and stress out over every word that comes out of your mouth. Often so you’ll keep buying their material. However, I don’t. Because I believe it’s a complete waste of time to focus on things that don’t matter!

Not everything you say in person, or over the phone, or send out over text is going to be perfect. There will be times when you screw up your words. Relax, it happens.

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5. Not everyone will like you

However, there will also be times when you have done nothing wrong at all, but she’s just not feeling you. You can’t change that! A lot of guys today act as if they always make mistakes. The moment you ignore your gut is the moment you start letting fear get the best of you. Remember, being a man is about believing in the words you say and, of course, saying them with conviction too. If you’re authentic and ultimately yourself, there is no reason to second guess things. Nobody is born a master communicator in life. It takes practice. Real-life practice. All the dating books, podcasts, and so on won’t change nor help you with that. Trust me; you don’t need an eBook to know how to chat up b-tches!  

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