10 Tips to Help You Act Cool in Front of Your Crush and Grab Their Attention
Mar 05, 2021

It is common to be all flushed and flustered when you see or be around your crush. It is quite common to act all stupid and silly in front of them, mostly because you put too much of pressure on yourselves. Even the coolest of people make these mistakes. Here we will tell you how to act in the right way around your crush and grab their attention.
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#1 First, relax. Listen, I know you have a crush… we’ve all had crushes, but you need to chill out a bit. This is just someone you have feelings for, don’t place them above you. This is why we struggle to be around our crushes and act like ourselves; we place them above us. But they’re no better than you.
#2 Don’t try to act cool. I know you want to know how to act cool in front of your crush and impress them. But here’s something you must know. You can’t “act cool.” Because what is “cool” anyway?
Sure, you can try to act like a character in some rom-com, but that’ll only take you so far. The coolest people are the ones who are themselves. And if your crush sees who you are and likes it, then that’s great. If not, your crush isn’t for you.
#3 Be humble. I know you want to impress your crush, that is everyone’s goal when talking to their crush. But you don’t need to brag to look cool. If you want to impress your crush, aside from being yourself, be humble. As much as you may think bragging is a turn-on, it’s not
#4 Be yourself – always. Your crush may like football and beer, but that doesn’t mean you have to like those things too. Stay true to yourself and don’t try to alter who you are to impress your crush. If you don’t like the same things they like, that’s okay. You know the saying, opposites attract.
#6 Learn from your past mistakes. There were plenty of moments before this crush where you screwed up. It’s completely normal; we’ve all been there. What you need to do is learn from those mistakes and apply what you’ve learned to your new crush.
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#7 Don’t think so far ahead in the future. This was my problem when I had a crush. I would daydream about them, literally thinking about our wedding day and what our kids would look like. Yeah, and obviously, that never ended well. Don’t plan the future with your crush. Live in the moment.

#5 Don’t second-guess yourself. If you said something to your crush, and two seconds later think what you said was dumb, don’t try to change it. Roll with waves. This is who you are. We all say stupid things from time to time, but that’s what being human is all about.
#8 If they don’t text you back, don’t freak out. You made the bold move of sending a text to your crush – good for you! It’s a big step, but it doesn’t look like they responded *at least not yet*. This isn’t the time to send them multiple text messages or stalk them on social media. Just chill. You made the first move, that was already a big step for you.

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#9 Keep your exes out of it. Yeah, don’t talk about your exes with your crush. That’s the last thing you should bring into the conversation. What do exes have to do with your crush? Why do they need to hear about your past? Focus on you and your crush. Talk about things that you have in common.
#10 You don’t need to talk about how much love you’ve had. You probably think talking about love and your past sexual experiences will make you look cool, but it won’t. You don’t need to talk about how much love you’ve had to look cool in front of your crush. And if you want a relationship with them, then this isn’t the right way to go about it.