What Attracts Women to Men: 10 Desirable Traits Women Look For in Men
Mar 06, 2021

Haven't all men wondered if they knew what women wanted. So that they can be ready for it when it comes. But hardly any of them do have an I dea of what is coming or what is to be expected. Not anymore, we have made a list for you to check off.
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#1 Financially smart and stable. It is a common myth that wealth is the primary trait that makes men attractive to women. In reality, women place greater value on men who are financially smart and stable. Any amount of wealth is useless if a man is not capable of managing his finances and does not know how to live according to his means.
#2 Assertiveness and leadership. An assertive man is someone who knows how to get what they want in life. This quality goes hand in hand with leadership. This is the ability to provide appropriate direction to a group of people. Women love men who are comfortable with taking charge, especially when it comes to a relationship.
#3 Passionate and driven. Passionate men stand out in the eyes of women. Be it in their work, art, hobby, or in their relationship, women are attracted to men who have dedicated themselves to something they love and are uncompromising in the pursuit of their passion. On the other hand, women see men who lack drive and passion as boring, unproductive, and won’t achieve anything in life.
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#4 Sensitivity and empathy. Needless to say, no woman wants to end up with a man who doesn’t care and recognize her emotional needs. This makes sensitivity and empathy a must-have for all women. A sensitive and empathic man recognizes any emotional distress and reacts accordingly, making them ideal long-term life companions.
#5 Good listening skills. Women place value on good listening skills because being heard without judgement is a sign that they are valued and respected. Women gauge a man’s listening skills from his ability to know when to stop talking in a conversation, and how he tends to remember information that she just told him. Even on a friendship level, women are closer to men who are good listeners.
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#6 Genuine and honest. In a world where cheaters are all over the dating scene, expect that women would place great value on an honest man. While there are no perfectly honest guys, they go for those who are honest in moments that matter. They prefer guys who don’t lead fake lives for the sake of appearances and those who don’t fall trap to pretentions.

#7 Maturity. To summarize, women prefer men, not boys. Mature men have fewer hang-ups in life and have all the qualities on this list. They have their life figured out and handle relationships better than immature men. Of course, women want a stable life partner and not a man-child to raise that will cause her undue stress.
#8 Possesses a good sense of humor. Ever wonder why funny guys get the hottest girls? It’s because girls want their guys gifted with a sense of humor. Make no mistake, it’s not just about cracking the wittiest jokes or pulling the most clever pranks, it’s also about not taking life too seriously and having the courage to be the subject of his own joke.

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#9 A gentleman. You might be surprised to see this on the list, but it’s true. Women still go head over heels for men who practice chivalry. They appreciate the special treatment from men who still know how to offer their seat to them in public transportation, open doors for them, and offers their arm in support when walking with them on the street.
#10 Romantic. Women are known to be romantics. It’s no surprise that they find this trait attractive in a man. She prefers a man who knows his way with words, surprises her with sweet little gifts, remembers important moments in the relationship, and takes effort to keep their flame going even though they’ve spent so many years together.