Top Beard shaving tips in lock down time
Sep 11, 2020

Due to the lockdown across the country due to Kovid-19, people are facing various problems. One of these problems is self grooming. Neither women are going to beauty parlor nor men salons. In such a situation, men are having more trouble, who go to the salon and get shaving done. Due to him not having the habit of shaving himself at home, he is not able to trim the beard properly. Many times there is also the fear of getting shaved. Do not worry, we tell you a few easy tips (tips to Shave Beard), with which you will be able to shave, trim and better take care of your skin. Also Read - In the monsoon there is more itching in the beard, follow these important tips.
The first step to shave is to exfoliate the skin properly (Tips to Shave Beard). To exfoliate you must have a scrubber. This allows you to scrub your skin first. Exfoliator can also be used. After scrubbing clean your face with water. Also Read - Skin Care Tips: Apply this homemade face pack to men for healthy skin
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Hot water usage
Heat a little water in the second step. Put a towel in it and squeeze the water then apply or rub your face for a minute.
Massage with oil
In the third step you have to apply oil in your beard. You can also apply coconut or mustard oil. Applying oil will soften the hair, which will make it easier to trim or shave.
Apply face wash
The fourth step is to wash the face with face wash. Applying face wash will remove oil. Apply this and rub your face for 1 to 2 minutes.
Shave now
The fifth step is shaving. First apply shaving cream. Foam well. Now gently remove the hair from the razor. Run the razor in a single direction. Clean the razor periodically with warm water. If all the hair has not come out properly, then shaving again and repeat the same process.
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Clean face with towel
Now wipe the face with a clean towel in the sixth step. Soak a handkerchief or small towel in cold water and run it lightly on the face. This will remove the foam or hair on the face.
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Moisturize at the end
Lastly, apply a good quality moisturizer on the face. Clean the face with lukewarm water. After applying aftershave you will get an attractive and glowing skin.
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