Anti-oxidant Rich in: The thick red and yellow color of peach peel is due to the compound present in it, called polyphenols, which acts as a powerful anti-oxidant. It is helpful in protecting the cells of your body from the loss of free oxygen radicals. So eat this fruit along with the peel.
Rich in Vitamin C: Even more vitamin C in peaches It acts as an anti-oxidant. With a large size peach, you will easily get the 19% vitamin C required for your body. It also strengthens our immune system.
Prevents kidney diseases: Potassium found in peaches is high in your kidneys. Is very beneficial for It acts as a cleaning agent for your urinary bladder, which keeps us away from kidney diseases. It is also helpful in removing kidney stones.
Beneficial for the eyes: If you keep your eyes healthy and their vision power If you want to keep well then you must eat this fruit. Peach contains a compound called beta carotene, which is necessary for the formation of vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps a lot in keeping the retina healthy. Beta carotene also protects against diseases such as night blindness.
Prevents breast cancer: Anti-oxidants found in peaches not only protect you from cancer, while some studies have shown that they also enhance the ability to avoid the side effects of chemotherapy. According to a research by Noratto G and colleagues, phenolic compounds found in peaches prevent breast cancer cells from growing and spreading.
Keeps the heart healthy: Peaches contain some nutrients that help keep your heart and circulatory system healthy. While vitamin K helps in preventing blood clotting, the iron available in it helps in preventing anemia. Compounds such as lycopene and lutein reduce the risk of heart-related diseases.