Lose Weight without Spoiling Your Morning Sleep

Everyone wants to lose weight but nobody wants to spoil the morning sleep. Let us have a solution for this problem also. Researchers have found a solution to your problem. In research, it has been found that the intake of vitamin C daily can give obese people the same benefit that you get from daily morning walk and exercise.

Micro-vessels in the blood vessels of overweight and obese adults narrowed the protein Are called endothelin (ET) -1. The over-activation of ET-1 reduces blood flow to the vessels, causing an increased risk of vascular disease. ET-1 activity is reduced due to daily exercise but incorporating exercise into the routine can be challenging.

Research conducted at the University of Colorado in the US examined vitamin C supplements. Which showed that it improves the process of vessels and reduces the level of ET-1. Researchers found that vitamin C supplements reduce ET-1 levels in the same way as daily exercise.

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Researchers wrote, ‘Vitamin C Serves as an effective lifestyle strategy in reducing the amount of ET-1 in obese people. ”The researchers found their new research at the 14th International Conference on Endothelin in Sevanna, Georgia, USA. Presented.