Can not sleep at night? So drink poppy milk!

You cannot even guess how much damage you can get by sleeping for only a few hours. You go to the office the next day with swollen eyes and a heavy head, and you may need to drink at least 3 cups of coffee for fear that you may not sleep in the office. The last few weeks were very difficult for me. Due to working for many hours, I was not able to sleep properly, the truth is that I was yearning to somehow sleep well one day. But when the weekend started, I could not sleep. I stared at the ceiling lying in bed for hours, and kept awake like an owl. I tried a few small methods like trying to drink warm milk before bedtime, but very few times my attempt was successful.

I found a good way to get my sleep back in the midst of these Jagrats. Although I have limited understanding of home remedies, I found a packet of poppy seeds or poppy seeds that my mother had brought from the shop a few days ago. I took a nutmeg from a box of spices and my problem was solved. Actually, poppy and nutmeg have a narcotic or intoxicating effect and have been used in India for the treatment of sleep disorders for a long time.

I used both these ingredients to increase the coolness of plain milk. And after drinking it I relaxed like a small child and slept comfortably! If you also want to try this recipe then definitely do. Here’s how to make this poppy milk.


1 cup Hot milk

2 teaspoons poppy seeds

1 pinch of nutmeg

Method of Preparation:

  • Roast the poppy on a pan, until its color is slightly lighter Does not turn brown.
  • Now grind it on a grinder.
  • Now mix nutmeg powder and poppy seeds powder in hot milk.
  • Drink this milk before it cools down and keep stirring the mixture with a spoon or else it will sit down in the glass.

Drink a glass of milk every night before going to bed. The mild intoxicating effects of poppy seeds and nutmeg will help you to sleep comfortably and peacefully.