Are Men More Hurt When Relationship Breaks Down?

Men may look stronger and braver than women, but cracks in relationships or They suffer more when broken. Researchers at the Walke Forrest University in the United States found that the loss of a young male’s heart rate has a tremendous impact on a woman’s relationship. The reason is that while women share their stress among friends, men kneel within themselves and negative thinking takes place in their mind. As a result, he succumbs to alcohol-like addiction.

Study information

The leader of the study, Professor Rabin Shiman, admitted that she was surprised to see the results as the general thought was that women are prone to emotional turmoil in relationships soon.

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The Daily Mail quoted him as saying that it was a surprise to know that youths react more to the ups and downs in relationships. But if the romance is going well then the man is more benefited. The survey was conducted on 1000 unmarried youths, aged between 18 and 23 years.

Shiman said the survey revealed that young people believe in very few people while women have more close ties with their family and friends. One reason for this is a greater sense of identity and self-esteem among the youth. According to him, the fact is that men and women express emotions in different ways. In women, emotional pain is reflected in depression, while in men it presents concrete problems.

This long study on mental health and the process of maturity was published in the journal Health and Social Behavior.